Tuesday, February 2, 2010

學會離開 但我还是做不到 learn to leave but why i cant do it ...

離開了 反而好 不是安慰你才這麼說
你看 不是有很多人分手後 快快樂樂過生活

思念深 是折磨 不再忍受那無情冷漠
愛不要茫然無助 尋解脫 越挽留就越迷惑

當沉默變得脆弱  只是不停尋找 藉口犯錯
讓誓言 重複太多 是否你會承受 傷心結果

學會 離開不願愛我的人 真心 等待的溫柔才最深
或許 今夜孤單 流著淚 明天 就有一段美麗相逢

學會 離開不願愛你的人 為心情 打開 另一扇窗門
愛情 或許有著 太多疑問 我總會遇見 不變的吻

啦~ 越挽留就越迷惑

思念深 是折磨 不再忍受那無情冷漠
愛不要茫然無助 尋解脫 越挽留就越迷惑

當沉默 變得脆弱  只是不停尋找 藉口犯錯
讓誓言 重複太多 是否你 會承受 傷心結果

學會 離開不願愛我的人 真心 對待的溫柔才最深
或許 今夜孤單 流著淚 明天 就有一段美麗相逢

學會 離開不願愛你的人 為心情 打開另一扇窗門
愛情 或許有著 太多疑問 我總會遇見 不變的吻

學會 離開不願愛我(你)的人 真心 對待的溫柔才最深
或許 今夜孤單 流著淚 明天 就有一段美麗相逢

學會 離開不願愛你的人(愛我的人) 為心情 打開另一扇窗門
愛情 或許有著 太多疑問 我(你)總會遇見 不變的吻

To leave the comfort of the good thing is not to say you are only

You do not think there are a lot of people happy through life after breaking up

Deep thoughts is that torture is no longer endure ruthless indifference

Love Do not look for relief at a loss does not help to retain the more confusing the more

When the silence becomes vulnerable just kept looking for an excuse mistakes

Let vowed to repeat too much if you will bear the sad results of

Learn from people who really love me do not want to wait until the most gentle

Maybe tonight lonely tears tomorrow, there is a beautiful reunion

Learn to love you do not want to leave the human mind to open another fan windows and doors

Perhaps there are too many questions about love, I always met the same kiss

啦~ more to retain the more confusing

Deep thoughts is that torture is no longer endure ruthless indifference

Love Do not look for relief at a loss does not help to retain the more confusing the more

When the silence becomes vulnerable just kept looking for an excuse mistakes

Let vowed to repeat too much if you will bear the sad results of

Learn from people who really love me do not want to treat only the most gentle

Maybe tonight lonely tears tomorrow, there is a beautiful reunion

Learn to love you do not want to leave the human mind to open another fan windows and doors

Perhaps there are too many questions about love, I always met the same kiss

Learn to love me, do not want to leave (you) who really was the most gentle treatment

Maybe tonight lonely tears tomorrow, there is a beautiful reunion

Learn to love you do not want to leave people (who love me) to feel the door to open doors for us

Perhaps there are too many questions about my love (you) will always encounter the same kiss


Hope that she ill get better as soon as possible. . .

i miss you so much