Friday, December 23, 2011


想你时,好让我想起, 你开心傻笑的模样。


Monday, October 24, 2011





Thursday, October 20, 2011

感受 (feeling)




Sunday, October 9, 2011


旅程还有一天就开始了,今天晚上有点孤单又带点冷静。去到哪儿会是怎么样的呢,语言不通?陌生?不认识的人?不熟习的路?寒冷?夏热?还是怎么样的呢?看了地图又不知道是哪儿?有一点头痛,吃了药还是睡不着,又有一点怕。担心。想念着她,主啊你是在考验着我吗?我撑了那么久,我不是为了什么。而我觉的累了,想哭又哭不出来。我那么辛苦我都用完我的全心全意了。真的好累,我想停下来休息一会。能吗?我并不是放弃,而我真的好累了,我真的好像大哭一场。我的坏脾气最近又回来了。我该怎么办? 发生那么多突如其来的是,我也快崩溃了。最近我的头每天都痛。好啦睡啦。晚安,

Tuesday, October 4, 2011



Sunday, October 2, 2011

Silent night

What a silent after come back from a meeting.whole month busy n busy n busy. Sick until my self also blur blur. What going on? Erm next mission is my own project, headache. Life is not easy n life is short. I must hurry up to complete it. No one success easily but it's not tough also. Hopefully I can done in end of this year.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Sick month

What a sick month, just recover after sick in a week, today get fever again.Whats wrong with my body. sleeping a whole day tired, no energy, no power, wanna move also damp difficult. Thinking  a lot of things, my career, my life, my family & her.
My career is sucks & stucked, my life in this year is too many things happening.
My family having a lot of celebration, but its good cause everyone is gather again,its so seldom to happen, my grandfather 90 years old birthday coming.Don know buy what kind of present for him.(maybe he wish to see me everyday).
oh god please help me out of the career problem, and wish my grand father legs can recovered faster, and please give me the power to recover as soon as possible i,m so tired, i,m pray in the name of the Jesus.

Thursday, September 22, 2011



Monday, September 12, 2011

My buddies , My friends

one of my friend ngai ngai, he is leaving to Singapore,wish him 一路顺风, 事事顺利. Just wanna say another best buddies already leave, but don know why the heart feeling like we will meeting back soon.

This pic taken in my house (sorry when you fall in sleep i taken wuahaha)
but really appreciate that the last week when you leaving that before you leaving to singapore take spend so much of time with us. especially when in kl we keep calling each others wuahaha (shit its look like gay man) but anyway i really enjoy that moment.

i,m here to Wish you all the best in your new career & new life in singapore. YOU can do it. no no no is we can do it !

Another buddies is fei fei, wish you good luck for your new career, and hope you can get better & stronger in your career, don after 3 months you quit again. Hope this time you really get what you wan.

But i,m happy CAUSE you are still in KL hahaha(i,m not alone) but then u also must ganbateh for your career.

Another & another buddies is tung tung jiang, you are the most happy girl still can stay in ipoh, but is good for us hahaha cause some times can ask u to help us to do something ma. But also wish you & ur jing jing become better & better , sweet & sweet hope you guys appreciate each others.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

guang yin temple

Today go visit guang yin temple going there to sembayang. After that I go ask how was my life and career. But the god never let me ask about it. So I'm so worry is a good sign or bad sign. After I asked the ppl who take caring the temple. I asked him what happen due to this happen? So he answered me that o no need worry cause I have no problem, so I no need to asked. But then I'm still abit worry it's s bad signs. So after my friend ask me to make a wish to the wishing tree. So I also make a wish also (secret) hehehe. After that I run thru the mountain. it's was so difficult but it's very meaningful when I was running alot of things flow inside my mind. It's was so great the feeling. Hope fully she and my family , career and life will be greater better.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Am I stupid

What I should do? Am I stupid?am i idiot?I'm so suffer? Who am I?where I am? What the fuck I'm doing?

Sunday, August 21, 2011

To day learn a new story





Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Weird week...

Haih , 1 weeks meeting few times my big plan was change and change. Always listen that my boss say be patient。feel complicated on my career. why must be so complicated, but i still need to handle it, face it, and solve it. When the good things happen on you i know is not easy to get it, if easy to get it we will never appreciate.So what can i do now? follow the plan ?change the plan?where is my confidence?(si fat) my good brother already starting to get crazy?i feel so bad that i cant help him in this moment. sorry brother...
i know my side is easy to handle for me, but for me i,m feeling like no challenging, boring, but at least learn some new things.

lovely mummy , tat day was watching a short movie, (儿子你长大了, 你会养我吗?)my tears almost coming out when i thinking of you, but i promise to you and my self i will take care of you matter what happen we are in rich or poor. i really hope this words that i can say to you.but i,m not brave enough.i not hope i must be rich in this entire life i just hope i,m a successful person in my life, i wan some comfortable life for you and ah mei.i don wan you like popo wroking the entire life but dint rest well in the retired life. i just hope what i can return to you is this only.  

Friends- To all my pet pet family , honestly this pet pet group its really my real best buddies, friends, brothers & sister in my entire life.i had knew a lot of friends but no 1 can compare to this group.we always having to shared our sadness ,happiness, our life and experience together. no matter in malaysia or out of this country. 

Thursday, July 28, 2011


鱼说:你好美,我想我喜欢上了你。 水说:傻瓜,那仅仅是好感而已。 鱼说:真的,我不骗你。 水说:我不相信一见钟情。 日子一天天过去,鱼对水的感情也日趋笃厚。 鱼说:我喜欢和你在一起。 水说:那是因为你早已适应了我。 鱼说:我喜欢你的味道。 水说:那是因为你已习惯了我的存在。 几天后,水要继续远行。 鱼说:我已离不开你。 水说:过几天你就会忘了我的。 鱼说:不,我不会爱上除你以外的人。 水说:那是因为你还没有遇到除我以外的人。 鱼说:你是我的全部。 水说:你却不是我的唯一。 鱼说:你到底在追寻什么? 水说:只有海温暖的胸怀才是我的唯一。 鱼说:你难道不能为我而停留吗? 水说:不,一旦驻足,我就成了死水,就永远无法看到海的样子了。 鱼说:那我们能否并架齐驱? 水说:你永远无法追上我的脚步。 鱼说:你能否为我稍作等待? 水说:我只喜欢奔腾不息。 鱼说:无论如何,我都要陪你游向大海。 水说:别傻了,你只是一条淡水鱼。 鱼说:我不想让你一个人面对风浪。 水说:我不会因此而感激你。 鱼说:我不想博得你的感激,我只想和你在一起。 水说:你知道我不可能爱上你。 鱼说:但你不能剥夺我爱你的权利。 水说:你这样只会害了自己。 水和鱼经过了一条大河,鱼只剩下半条命。 鱼说:我不知道还能陪你多远。 水说:回去吧,这样的日子不适合你。 鱼说:不,就算到了最后一秒,我都不会放弃。 水说:你傻得迷失了自己。 鱼说:那你能否试着接受一个傻瓜的爱呢? 水说:你明知道我的心早已被海占据。 鱼说:为什么?你总不能试着爱上我? 水说:我只相信,海才是我的唯一。 鱼和水经过了一条大江,鱼的生命只剩下四分之一。 鱼说:如果有一天我不在了,你会怎样? 水说:我会伤心,也会惋惜。 鱼说:那如果海不在了呢? 水说:我会心碎,也会随他死去。 鱼说:难道我们的朝夕相处还比不过一个幻影么? 水说:没有感情的相处只是多余的记忆。 鱼说:那海呢,你确信他会爱上你? 水说:他是我一生的梦,我不会放弃。 鱼无语,默默地陪水走完了剩下的距离。 终于,他们到了海边。水看到了她的海,但她却不是海的唯一。 是啊,海有博大的胸怀,博大到可以容纳百川在他怀里嬉戏,却无暇顾及水的存在。 水不愿做海身边众多佳丽之一,她决定离去。 这时,她想起了鱼,而鱼早已奄奄一息。 鱼说:我看到海了,他是那么英俊帅气,只有他才配得上你。 水说:但我却觉得他扑朔迷离。 鱼说:别担心,总有一天,海会发现你并爱上你。 水说:也许我真的错了。 鱼说:不会的,你那么爱海。 水说:曾经,也有一个人那么爱我,可我却忽略了。你说,你说呀, 说你爱我,说你要和我生生世世在一起。 鱼说:我不想给你一个兑现不了的承诺。 水说:你为什么不能自私一点? 鱼说:别这样,爱你是我的权利,爱我却不是你的义务。 水说:为什么我总是那么自私,那么固执?为什么我没有早点爱上你? 鱼说:别这样说,那样,我会走的很不安。 水说:为什么你总那么好,好到让我感到无地自容。 鱼说:忘了我吧,再去找一个值得你爱的人。 水说:你难道不是最值得我爱的人吗? 鱼说:别傻了,以后的日子,我不能陪你。 水说:我已错过太多的日子,我不能再错过你。 鱼说:别这样。 水说:我真的爱上你了。 鱼说:我都流泪了,你看见我幸福的泪了么?哦,我忘了,因为我在水里。 水说:不! 我感受到了,因为现在,你在我心里。 鱼幸福地闭上了眼睛,在水的怀里。 听见自己心碎的声音…… 有人牵挂的漂泊不叫流浪 有人陪伴的哭泣不叫悲伤 有人分担的忧愁不叫痛苦 有人分享的快乐叫幸福. 也许每个人都会有自己喜欢的人 也有人可以和自己喜欢的人在一起 也有人因为种种的原因不能在一起.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

A song describing my life

Now i only know this song, its a nice song today listening this whole song in my office.Good feeling and feel like describing my life in KL.

friend cant stay too long cause 2moro need to work .
My life + her its will become perfect.
sharing a happiness without her , the happiness it will become half.
drinking a hot sup without her, no matter the sup how hot its doesn`t warm my heart.
no matter the bed, the blanket how comfort, its just let u feel the bed is too big.
so everytime holiday its just remind me i,m alone.
Is thinking about her, even got ideal and planning so how?wat can i do ?
its staying infront of the blogger writing & writing.
writing few words but it cant do anythings.
without Burden, but its also a Burden in the mind.
cause its too much of freedom , free until i scared alone.

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sepang PORSCHE Driving experince with my boss and its my last day with Porshce Malaysia

Haih it is my happy last day in Sepang with Porsche Malaysia. i having a very bad hard feeling erm... don know how to explain all my best frens in porshce they make me feel liek already working together so many years already. Honestly i,m not very willing to leave them but no choice i gonna start my new chapter in my life.

2011 Birthday present ...

This my 1st birthday present in 2011 !

i don know is special edition or limited edition ...

But woah ... Nice hey if not counting my mum and aunt in u are the 3rd gal buying a shirt for me.

What can i do ?

Is a nice raining in this morning but doesnt sleep well. It is her birthday today wished her in the midnight. But once things i has been promised her is cant celebrate with her in this year so i never break my promised. So today i study my jobs in new company office. But afternoon suddenly having a very strong feeling so pick up my phone and ordered a flowers sent to her office. So she tell me she very happy and because her dream really come true. So i just did all my best for her and my self, but this year finally i get the 1st birthday present from her. Past 2 years no celebration no cake, no present. But anyway my heart is so thankful to my family , my gangs , her and my self i also cant believed my self change alot. UNBELIEVABLE !
She wont go singapore i don know is a good news or bad news. But i will thinking in the positive la. At least she done her best part. My self still have 2 days i gonna start my WAR of MY life, also can say is my another chapter of my life.


Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Song i wanna sing for her

The Songs i wanna sing for her... Who always say i,m Stupiack....
hope you like it.And be happy everyday ...

Friday, May 6, 2011

Mother`s Day

Happy mother`s day to all Mothers in the world.

Happy mother`s day mummy i love you forever.Last week i make the celebration early cause i know that i this weekend i got business trip again.So its just make it early for you.

MUM i just wanna say thank you, that you take care of us to grow up by your own self.(i know without PAPA its more difficult).
妈妈的唠叨是最温暖的,i love you mummy.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

I,m bad

Just finished taken medicine, still cannot sleep. All my muscle still very pain, already apply a lot of medic on it. last week go and see doctor, doctor say i,m get stressed.he ask me what i,m working as?i say i,m just a normal mechanic, so he ask me rest more.But honestly working is giving me a lot of pressure.But my self,i also not sure why so stressed?is it i,m thinking too much. my career or her?

last few days mummy call me and ask me what happen to me. Sorry mummy that i put temper on you again, but i,m really don wanna let you worry me so much. i hope you understand me. But yesterday i already told uncle what my planning and my decision so hope you don worry so much. every time i talk with you in the phone you look like not understanding me but i know i,m bad. sorry mummy hope you will forgive me.i hope coming this mothers days i can come back to accompany you, and go for a family dinner. i,m really feel bad sorry mummy.

(tired medicine start working jor sleepy)

Friday, April 22, 2011



Thursday, April 21, 2011


its time to sleep, but cant sleep, once i closed my eyes your face will be coming out in my frame.

i really cry until very tired, but anyway i just can say the way u choose i just respected you.

Sorry i really feel regret Sorry that i loved you Sorry that i cant forgive my self Sorry that i really fall in love to you

Sorry i really feel regret,
Sorry that i loved you,
Sorry that i cant forgive my self,
Sorry that i really fall in love to you.

Friday, April 15, 2011

what should i do.

today finally saw my cousin sister come back, she is fine. i,m happy to see her come back.

today my work is sucks.but at the end very funny things happen got some body buy KFC for me b4 going back home. but a bad news is the cayenne coolant is leaking. so sucks. haih .... eat KFC then must continue to repair the cayenne...

OK final decision.

leave or stay ?
over sea alone or?

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

what a bad day.

To day i was feeling very tired, fearless and down.

1st its my working place like a pressure cooker, i don know how long i still can take the pressure. i,m lost.

2nd is my cousin sister is missing and our whole family is very worried and don1t
know where she go now ... ???

i know GOD u will protect them love them.

For me i,m lost now, i don want to hurt anyone especially my family & the person that who i love.
i just hope that i can get all the wealth and healthy for them.
i wanna cry out, but its hard to cry out now. T_T